Nowhere-zero 3-flows in signed graphs with independence number at most two





?ュ????瑕?锛?Tutte's 3-flow conjecture states that every 4-edge-connected graph admits a nowhere-zero 3-flow. Lov\'asz et al. proved that every 6-edge-connected graph admits a nowhere-zero 3-flow [JCTB, 103 (2013): 587-598]. As an extension of the 3-flow conjecture, Wu et al. conjectured that every flow-admissible 5-edge-connected signed graph admits a nowhere-zero 3-flow, and confirmed it on 8-edge-connected signed graphs [SIAMDM, 28 (3) (2014): 1628-1637]. M\'a\v{c}ajov\'a and Rollov\'a verified this conjecture for signed complete graphs on at least 6 vertices [JGT, 78 (2) (2015): 108-130]. In this talk, we show that every flow-admissible 5-edge-connected signed graph with independence number at most two admits a nowhere-zero 3-flow.

?ュ??浜虹?浠?锛????憋?瑗垮??宸ヤ?澶у?????锛???澹???瀵煎???2010骞磋?蜂腑?界?瀛︽????ぇ瀛﹀??澹??浣?锛?2014骞磋荡缇??借タ寮???灏间?澶у?璁垮?12涓??????版??浠婚??瑗跨??宸ヤ?涓?搴??ㄦ?板?瀛︿?甯稿?$??浜???涓??藉伐涓?涓?搴??ㄦ?板?瀛︿??捐?缁?????搴??ㄤ?濮?浼?濮?????浠?浜??捐???绌讹??瑰??????捐??????存?版??????茬??璁虹??绌躲??????涓绘???藉????剁?瀛﹀?洪??椤圭??椤癸??????剁?瀛﹀?洪??椤圭??椤癸???/span>J Combin Theory Ser B??J Graph Theory??SIAM J Discrete Math??European J Combin绛?????涓???琛ㄥ??????杩?40绡?锛??烽??瑗块?绛?瀛︽?$?瀛︽??????绌朵?绉?????涓?绛?濂?1椤癸?2/5锛?锛???瑗跨?????剁?瀛︿?绉?瀛︽?????浜?绛?濂?1椤广????瑗跨??宸ヤ?涓?搴??ㄦ?板?瀛︿???骞翠?绉?璁烘??涓?绛?濂?1椤?span style="color:#3F3F3F;">??